If Rugby Players Were Horses…

Category: , , , , , By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia
…Then Ms. GD and GM would ride!

In this episode The Sushi Girls™ Say “Whoot, There It Is” to week nine of the Super 14! Thrill as your girls: apologize for their lackluster performance on previous shows thus paying proper tribute to the newest LULARP member – “The Under Boss”, read galaxyMafia’s excerpt from her upcoming NPR commentary on her archenemy Graham Henry, swoon over Jerry Collin’s “hot like Fire Knife” photos from his new endorsement deal, reveal Jimmy Gopperth’s secret identity as “Master Poisoner” and the identity of his next victim, grouse about Neemia Tialata’s continued neglect of his personal appearance, chirp over The Nonu’s return to Super 14 rugby as well as Glamour Diva’s heart, protest The New Zealand Rugby Player Hairstyle Aesthetic, debate GM’s plan to conceive “Blongan” boy children by any means necessary…with or without the consent of Sione Lauaki, question Ms. GD’s need for a Lome Fa’atau proof vibrator, and get all hot under the collar as Ms. GD reads GM’s filthy, sex poem dedicated to Mr. Lauaki and much, much more!

Podcast Reading List
This is the book mentioned in this week’s show!

Latin Quips at Your Fingertips by Rose Williams

And last but not least…Glamour Diva’s hard as fuck Nesian Rugby Players Word Search! Click to enlarge the puzzle or email Ms. GD for an even larger copy. Along with the completed puzzle please include the following in your email:

Where you live
How you found our blog/podcast

Now without further ado, this week's podcast…

Warning: this podcast is definitely NOT SAFE FOR WORK so download our foolishness at your peril…

Hurricanes Vs BullsCommentary recorded Sunday, April 01, 2007

If you'd like to watch this game while listening to our commentary you may download it at Media Zone . Click on The Rugby Channel then click Super 14 and from there choose the appropriate game.

Hate it or love it we want to hear from YOU! Send all your complements, questions, suggestions, and complaints to Ms. GD and GM at the_sushi_diaries@yahoo.com. If we really dig your comments we’ll give you a shout out during the next podcast!

Glamour Diva and galaxyMafia

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