News Item - Reality (TV) Bites

Category: , , , By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia
To paraphrase Rakim, It’s been a long time/I shouldn’t have left you/Without a dope [post] to [reflect] to. Like to read it? Here it go!

I was sitting at home one day bemoaning the dearth of quality, mid-day television programming (No I do not have cable) when I happened upon Divorce Court. Now admittedly I am no stranger to the judge shows; my mother is an avid watcher and never misses a chance to update me on all the weird goings on…DAILY…but it is rare that I sit and torture…I mean watch myself. So there I was, bored out of my gourd when it happened. A couple was in the process of ripping each other to shreds when there was a break in the action and the announcer came on with the pre-commercial tease: Up Next, Casey Harris Explains To The Court Why He Prefers White Women Over Black Women!

As you might imagine dear reader I almost swallowed my tongue from the shock! I wasn’t shocked by what that fool said as much as I was shocked that he had the unmitigated gall to 1) Write the list on poster board, 2) Take it to court, 3) Allow himself to be taped reading it on national television to, 4) A female, African American judge no less! Well Ms. GD ran to her desk, grabbed a pen and paper, and waited impatiently until the show returned. Below is the list Mr. Harris read (without the smallest trace of incongruity) to Judge Mablean Ephriam, Esq.

Why I Prefer White Women Over Black Women

1. Easier to control
2. They don’t argue
3. They let you control the money
4. They are more feminine
5. Easier to have sex with
6. They aren’t sexually inhibited

Believe me dear reader when I write that Judge Mablean was just as nonplussed as I was! I mean who are these super submissive white women and where can I find one? Judge Mablean tried to reason with the man, asking him if he was familiar with the word stereotype and bringing up the fact that he’d contradicted himself because earlier he’d stated that his (black) wife was a sexual whirlwind before they wed, but Mr. Harris was not to be swayed by facts. He held on to his opinion as tightly as a Pitbull Terrier to a Chihuahua’s neck!

Well after discussing this topic with Galaxy Mafia she suggested I write my own list of why I prefer white men over Black men. I thought about it but then I also thought that I don’t really prefer a certain color or ethnicity of man over another. Hell, I don’t even believe there is such a thing as race! But like poor Mr. Harris it is very easy to get caught up in stereotypes. We all like to think that our likes and dislikes are based solely on how we truly feel and not based on what’s been subliminally (and not so subliminally) transmitted into our psyches over the course of our lifetimes.

I’m as much of a victim as you dear reader. I have a nasty habit of spouting derisive comments about my fellow human beings. But I’d still like to post an answer to Mr. Harris. How do I do so without sounding like his intellectual twin?

Why I Prefer Intellectually Stimulating Men Over Men Who Are Not

1. They are open-minded
2. They embrace ethnic and/or cultural differences in others
3. They like to question authority/the status quo
4. They have varied tastes in entertainment (movies, music, books, etc.)
5. They treat me with the respect I deserve as a human being
6. They do not define themselves by their genitalia

He can be as black as Djimon Hounsou, white as Wes Anderson, or somewhere in between like Sean Paul. I don’t really care just so long as he can hang with me and not wear out too easily…GD

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