galaxyMafia will be a stepmom!!!

Category: , , , By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia
Well. . .it's official.

galaxyMafia will be a stepmom and have, potentially, baby mama drama.

Sione does in fact have a "wee nub"!! Wax's sister Ive (her real name is Margaret)confirmed this AND galaxyMafia has the pictures (from Ive) to prove it!!

My stepson-to-be is named after his uncle Epalahame (God only knows why)!!

So. . .without further ado, here's EPALAHAME LAUAKI JR!!!!!! (and daddy Sione)!

copyright 2007. . .galaxyMafia hopes she isn't telling someone something they already knew and didn't bother to tell her!!

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