News Item – Keanu Reeves plays well with others, Orlando Bloom and Kate Bosworth: Back together again?

Category: , , , By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia
A thousand pardons dear reader! Glamour Diva has been away for awhile but she hasn’t forgotten you. Even divas get the financial blues and Ms. GD was feeling low, low, lowdown! But never fear I’m up, up, UP now and ready to dish the dirt with you again. To totally misquote the fabulous Dinah Washington; what a difference a “ducat” makes…

Well what can I say about Keanu Reeves that hasn’t already been said? I know…Oscar Winner! But seriously folks, I LOVE the surfboard wax out of (DUDE!) Mr. Reeves but gurl please; that man could not act his way out of a paper sack with a great whopping hole cut out of the bottom! I don’t know why Hollywood persists in thinking that just because someone is drop-dead gorgeous with smoldering eyes and chiseled abs no forty year old man should be allowed to posses that he should be paid to “strut and fret his hour upon the stage”! But I digress…

It seems that while visiting Chicago’s Second City improve club (with an as yet unnamed cutie on his well muscled arm) Mr. Reeves took time out of his busy schedule to chat with audience members, sign autographs and pose for photos with two lucky (and no doubt drooling) young ladies. And if that wasn’t enough to give the most hardened Hollywood Hater the warm fuzzies, he even crept backstage to talk to the cast and asked intelligent and thoughtful questions about their creative processes! Hold on dear reader…let me phone my priest and see if hell has frozen over!

And now from the sublime to the ridiculous…

Why oh why are Mr. Bloom and Ms. Bosworth torturing me with their silly little “will they or won’t they” games? If they keep this up much longer I will begin NOT to care! Did Orli really buy Kate a ring? Did he really give it to her? Did she give the ring back to him? Did she keep the damn ring? Did she pawn the ring and buy a full set of Luis Vuitton luggage including steamer trunk and puppy carrier? Wait a sec, that’s Glamour Diva’s fantasy! Seriously people! They are behaving just like Ben and J Lo and we all know how that turned out...Gigli (shiver!)

Anyhoo…I truly want my beautiful, raven haired Legolas to be happy. Wipe that smirk off your face dear reader! I REALLY DO!!!! I mean, if he can’t be happy with me then why not Kitty Kat? For pity’s sake you two crazy, cuckoo kids - either piss or get off the pot! - GD

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