Who wants to know? Why Bob of course!

Category: , , By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia
Well isn’t it just like a man to want to know what Glamour Diva looks like?
One of my dear readers, Bob, took time out his busy schedule to write in asking all sorts of impertinent questions and to give just oodles of insipid advice! Of all the things you could have commented on Bob you chose to comment on my physical appearance. Well what the hell does it matter what Ms. GD looks like? How will having that knowledge add to your enjoyment of this blog? Will you masturbate harder and faster if you have an appropriate image in your mind when you’re reading my scintillating words? Don’t lie Bob! You know you get off to The Sushi Diaries. I bet you just break out in hives if you don’t get a new installment of my and Galaxy Mafia’s dazzling wit and astute comments on pop culture. Don’t get me wrong dear reader, no one is as pro-masturbation as Ms. GD (Okay, maybe Jocelyn Elders) but really now, must you be so obvious?

So no Bob, I won’t tell you what I look like because, in the immortal words of the ubiquitous Beyonce, I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly! So keep stroking and don’t worry your pretty little head about it anymore. Just keep reading (and stroking) and keep buying Jergens by the case…GD

1 comment so far.

  1. Anonymous 11:07 AM, April 01, 2005
    Well now you were the first one to bring up all the good stuff you had. I just responded to it. You been talking all kinds of words and that's just talk. I asked you to back it up. Instead you backed out.

    I'd be very impressed if you showed me your mind on topics other than eating sushi from the body of a man, given me some real class, inticed me with some exciting whit, but,... YOU said you wanted to take your top off.

    So what makes you think I need to masturbate instead of getting the real thing? Sounds like you want some but are afraid to commit the act. Calm down, be less hyper. It's NOT a contest, it's friendship, it's tenderness and thoughtfullness. If you relax and let down the wall there'd be two winners, not one, and you wouldn't have to buy so many batteries.Don't you think it's time you stopped all the practicing and put what you learned to use?

Something to say?