Now you can just sit back and enjoy the show
The following is free advice for any woman (or congregant) who currently finds herself in the throes of an uncontrollable obsession from which she is seemingly unable to extract herself. Just remember. . .all men eventually become old hat. Crushes fade. Obsessions wither and die. Pretty boys are just pretty boys and not gods to be placed upon golden pedestals; they are not to be honored, worshiped or adored. Objectification is the only solution.
Years ago, galaxyMafia was a thriving lyrcists. Below is a song that laments faded glory. galaxyMafia had been in a quasi-relationship with a boy whom she found pretty and spectacular, like a magnificant sunset. She soon learned that the sun always dips below the horizon, leaving a cloudy blackness that isn't very mesmerizing after all.
by galaxyMafia
Life has shown me
distraction don't last always
boredom is here to stay
pleasure is
always just beyond my abilities
I can't grasp
Compulsion is
part of my tranquility
I won't last
another minute
I think of you
another second
will when this be through
I want something else
to occupy my time
I need something else
to enrapture my mind
life has shown me
misery is my best friend
happiness can't come in
harmony is
out of the question
I can't try
apathy is
my best learnt lesson
I won't lie
another day
I think of you
another way
will when this be through
I need something else
to waste my time
I want something else
to numb my mind
And something tells me
you are not worth all
this attention I pay
to you
oh yes, I think, I want my
money back
these wages are too high
I'm getting no return on
my initial investment
I can't imagine why
I was tipped off to you
another minute, another day
I think of you
another second, another way
will when this be through
I want something else
to occupy my time
I need something else
to enrapture my mind
copyright 2006 - galaxyMafia. . .even finds Big Ben and Eddie C. a bit tedious at times!!