The Internet Dating Chronicles Of Glamour Diva – Part 5

So…when last we met, “Powel” continued to proclaim his undying love for me, used his “son” as a weapon to try to blow away any lingering doubt I might have about him and continued to mangle the Queen’s English in a way that would make the Queen herself jump off her throne and bitch slap him up and down Buckingham Palace. Oh and did I mention he proclaimed his undying love for me?
June 13, 2006
Glamour Diva: hello sweet stuff!
Powel The Idiot: hello my love
Powel The Idiot: hw u doing my love?
Glamour Diva: i'm great! what's up with you?
Powel The Idiot: i am cool
Powel The Idiot: i miss u so so much my love
Powel The Idiot: i try to call u today but u did not pick up ur phone
Glamour Diva: i wasn’t at home! i was at work all day
Powel The Idiot: oh ic
Glamour Diva: sorry i missed you
Powel The Idiot: or can u call me nw
Glamour Diva: sure!
Powel The Idiot: ok
Powel The Idiot: here is the #011- 234-
Powel The Idiot: that is hw u will dial the # okay
Glamour Diva: ok
Glamour Diva: hold on
Powel The Idiot: oka
Glamour Diva: okay! so can i call right now?
Powel The Idiot: okay
Powel The Idiot: i am waiitng for ur call
Glamour Diva: i just called but it said my call couldn’t be completed as dialed
Powel The Idiot: hw did u dial the #
Glamour Diva: just as you gave it to me. should i dial a 1 first?
Powel The Idiot: nope
Powel The Idiot: #011- 234-
Glamour Diva: i don’t know what went wrong then....
Glamour Diva: will try again
Powel The Idiot: okay
Glamour Diva: sorry. still doesn’t work
Powel The Idiot: oh
Powel The Idiot: just pls keep trying
Glamour Diva: okay...
Glamour Diva: what country are you in now?
Powel The Idiot: Nigeria
Powel The Idiot: cant stop thinking abt u
Glamour Diva: trying again
Powel The Idiot: k
Glamour Diva: i just called!
Glamour Diva: pick up!
Glamour Diva: it’s ringing...
Glamour Diva: oh well...i tried
Powel The Idiot: pls try again
Powel The Idiot: pls
Glamour Diva: no. i tried several times already!
Powel The Idiot: pls honey
Powel The Idiot: yes u r right abt that
Glamour Diva: one more time then. that’s all
Powel The Idiot: ok
Glamour Diva: you hung up!
Powel The Idiot: the network is not that okay
Glamour Diva: ok. you said your son was sleeping but he wanted to talk to me?
Glamour Diva: it was hard to hear you
Powel The Idiot: did u want me to wake him up right now so he can come online and talk to u
Powel The Idiot: the network is not that okay
Glamour Diva: NO! let him sleep!
Powel The Idiot: okay
Powel The Idiot: but i will tell him u want to talk to u when he wake up tomorrow
Powel The Idiot: i love uuuuuuuuuu
Powel The Idiot: u sound sweet
Glamour Diva: Powel i have a serious question to ask you and i'd like you to be honest. i wont be angry if you tell me the truth. okay?
Powel The Idiot: okay baby
Glamour Diva: are you really british? it was difficult to hear but you didn’t sound at all british.
Powel The Idiot: realy
Powel The Idiot: the fact is that the network was bad
Powel The Idiot: dont worry okay i will call u tomorrow when the network is fine
Powel The Idiot: by then u will be able to here me very well
Glamour Diva: ok so one more thing please?
Powel The Idiot: okay
Glamour Diva: the pictures you sent me, are they really off you?
Powel The Idiot: what did u mean by that?
Powel The Idiot: so u think that is not me on the pics right
Glamour Diva: i want to trust you but so many men on the internet don’t tell the truth. if you say the pics are really you then i will believe you and i wont mention it again ok?
Powel The Idiot: that is very sad
Glamour Diva: yes it is
Powel The Idiot: love without trust is nothing
Glamour Diva: i've seen guys use models and movie stars as for their pictures
Powel The Idiot: so i am one of them right?
Glamour Diva: its like they are ashamed of what they look like
Glamour Diva: no! i'm just trying to make sure because i don’t want there to be any doubts
Powel The Idiot: sure
Glamour Diva: are you upset with me?
Powel The Idiot: i have being honest with u baby and i will allways be honest with u okay
Powel The Idiot: nop i am not honey
Glamour Diva: good! that’s all i need to know
Powel The Idiot: just that it make me a liltle bit sad for thinking i am not using my real pics
Glamour Diva: sorry
Powel The Idiot: fine
Powel The Idiot: i understand
Glamour Diva: but for the record my pics are real too!
Powel The Idiot: better
Powel The Idiot: that makes me happy
Glamour Diva: and i also think you're handsome
Powel The Idiot: u r also beautilful baby
Powel The Idiot: just cant wait to be with u my love
Glamour Diva: when will you be back?
Powel The Idiot: well i will be heer for abt 2 to 3 weeks my love
Powel The Idiot: cant wait to be with u
Glamour Diva: i see so i won’t see you until july? that’s a long time to wait.
Powel The Idiot: i know my love
Powel The Idiot: it hurt me also
Powel The Idiot: but pls have some liltle patiant
Glamour Diva: oh i do!
Powel The Idiot: i love uuuuuuuuuuu
Glamour Diva: will you answer more questions for me?
Powel The Idiot: yes
Glamour Diva: whats your boy's name?
Powel The Idiot: JOhn
Powel The Idiot: john
Glamour Diva: that’s a nice normal name! lol
Powel The Idiot: lol
Glamour Diva: does he always travel with you?
Powel The Idiot: yes
Powel The Idiot: always with me
Glamour Diva: what about during school?
Powel The Idiot: i home scol him?
Glamour Diva: REALLY?!?!? may i ask why?
Powel The Idiot: well just he has always been with me
Glamour Diva: i see. you don’t want your baby to leave you?
Powel The Idiot: not that honey
Powel The Idiot: just that we always travel together
Powel The Idiot: that is why
Glamour Diva: you travel a lot then?
Powel The Idiot: yes my love
Powel The Idiot: now we will be traveling together my love
Glamour Diva: LOL i have to work. John and I can stay at home and play while you're away! lol
Powel The Idiot: lol
Powel The Idiot: that will be very nice my love
Glamour Diva: does John like to read books?
Powel The Idiot: yes
Glamour Diva: well i'll have something for him when he gets back home then!
Powel The Idiot: that will be very nice my love
Powel The Idiot: i love uuuuuuu
Glamour Diva:’re embarrassing me
Powel The Idiot: nope i am not
Powel The Idiot: that is the fact
Glamour Diva: so what does John do all day while you're working?
Powel The Idiot: well we go to office together
Powel The Idiot: and also teacher come home to teach him
Glamour Diva: you travel with a teacher too!
Powel The Idiot: nope
Powel The Idiot: but i have some teachers here also
Glamour Diva: cool! so do you like nigeria? is it dangerous?
Powel The Idiot: well Nigeria is very okay for business
Glamour Diva: but not for living there? are the people nice to you? do you live/work in lagos?
Powel The Idiot: yes
Powel The Idiot: the people r nice honey
Powel The Idiot: very nice people
Powel The Idiot: but they have some bad one around them
Glamour Diva: am i asking you too many stupid questions? i'm sorry but i'm a very curious person!
Powel The Idiot: i understand my love
Powel The Idiot: can i also ask a question?
Glamour Diva: sure! please do!
Powel The Idiot: when was the last time u make love?
Glamour Diva: how did i know it would be a sex question...
Powel The Idiot: lol
Glamour Diva: it has been several months
Glamour Diva: you?
Powel The Idiot: 4 years
Glamour Diva: WOW! lol I...Do...Not...Believe...YOU! lol
Powel The Idiot: i am very honest
Glamour Diva: you masturbate?
Powel The Idiot: nope
Powel The Idiot: no one to make me feel like that
Glamour Diva: so you NEVER touck yourself? EVER?
Powel The Idiot: ever for 4 years
Glamour Diva: so that’s why you want me then? LOL just kidding!
Powel The Idiot: lol
Powel The Idiot: u r very funny
Glamour Diva: but seriously, if we were to start dating how long would you be willing to wait before we had sex?
Powel The Idiot: that is up to u my love
Powel The Idiot: i cant force u to have sex with me
Glamour Diva: i know but everyone has a limit right?
Powel The Idiot: well for me i don’t have a limit
Powel The Idiot: all i know is that it is up to u
Powel The Idiot: if u ask us to wait for 10 years b4 having sex together i will wait
Glamour Diva: i don’t think i'd want to wait that long! lol
Powel The Idiot: lol
Powel The Idiot: so that means we will make love the first day we meet
Powel The Idiot: lol
Glamour Diva: LOL no...
Powel The Idiot: lol
Powel The Idiot: why?
Glamour Diva: because you wouldn’t respect me afterwards! lol
Powel The Idiot: lol
Powel The Idiot: okay then we will make love after 2 years
Powel The Idiot: lol
Glamour Diva: LOL is that 2 years before or 2 years after we get married?
Powel The Idiot: after we get married
Powel The Idiot: lol
Glamour Diva: you are so funny
Powel The Idiot: lol
Powel The Idiot: love ya
Glamour Diva: any other questions for me or are you ready for bed now?
Powel The Idiot: no more question my love
Powel The Idiot: i have to leave for bed
Glamour Diva: ok
Powel The Idiot: i will miss u my love
Glamour Diva: Tell john I said hello
Powel The Idiot: i will
Glamour Diva: good night sweetheart!
Powel The Idiot: i will miss u my wife
Glamour Diva: lol i am not your wife!
Powel The Idiot: i will talk to u latter
Powel The Idiot: miss ya
Powel The Idiot: lol
Glamour Diva: i miss u 2
Powel The Idiot: okay
Powel The Idiot: take care
Powel The Idiot: one love
Yahoo! Messenger: Powel The Idiot has signed out
Oh Dear Readers…when will all the foolishness end you ask? Stay damned tuned… – GD
Cute comic found here