The REINVENTION begins. . .

Category: , , By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia
Okay. . .we'll make this plain and simple.

Yes, of course, we will explain this to you as if you are stupid.

We have changed the name of our blog from "The Sushi Diaries" to "Sex and the Sushi".

Why, you ask. . .?

Well, because we wish to serve you better (as customer service is in our nature) and we know that people aren't always that interested in diaries (because you would actually have to use that brain of yours and read) but, people are infinitely, abundantly, without fail, interested in SEX to the point of distraction and/or myopia.

So. . .stay tuned. . .we have lots in store. Some of it you'll like and some you won't but, you know that, while we smile, deep down where it really counts, we won't even give a flying mothafudge!

- We don't take no prisoners in this camp!

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