The Internet Dating Chronicles Of Glamour Diva – Part 4

Category: , , , , , By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia
Welcome, Dear Readers, to part four of my nightmare, The Internet Dating Chronicles Of Glamour Diva – Transatlantic/Equatorial Africa Edition (Episode 2)

So…when last we met, “Powel” proclaimed his undying love for me, shared the sad, sad tale of his evil, cheating ex-wife and the forlorn manchild she left behind and managed to massacre the Queen’s English which I found very odd considering he’s supposed to be British. We pick up six days later as he cranks up the charm to 7 and introduces a new character into our little drama…

June 12, 2006

Powel The Idiot: hello my sweet wife
Glamour Diva: WIFE?!?!? lol hello Powel. how are you?
Powel The Idiot: hw u doing Glamour Diva
Glamour Diva: I'm good. very happy to be chatting with you also
Powel The Idiot: me too my love
Powel The Idiot: i have really miss ya
Glamour Diva: really? you're very sweet!
Powel The Idiot: really
Powel The Idiot: did u read the email i send to u?
Glamour Diva: yes i read it. it was lovely. did you write that yourself? so when did i become your wife? i don’t remember getting engaged. i don’t have a ring and i don’t remember the wedding or the honeymoon. did we go to tahiti for two weeks?
Powel The Idiot: lol
Powel The Idiot: honey i mean that okay
Powel The Idiot: u will soon be my wife
Powel The Idiot: and together we will be forever my love
Glamour Diva: you think so? i still need a ring. LOL
Powel The Idiot: sure
Powel The Idiot: we will have that very soon okay
Powel The Idiot: i promise u my love
Powel The Idiot: i cant stop thinking abt u my love
Glamour Diva: but seriously Powel, you are a very sweet man and I would love to meet you. I look forward to our chats you know. more than I'm willing to admit.
Powel The Idiot: u r also sweet Glamour Diva
Powel The Idiot: u r all i have been waiting for
Glamour Diva: how do you know this? we haven’t met yet!
Powel The Idiot: i know we have not meet Glamour Diva but i can feel it in my heart
Powel The Idiot: i have never feel this way for a woman in my life
Powel The Idiot: u r very diff honey
Powel The Idiot: i love u
Glamour Diva: i believe you but i still want to meet...or at least a phone call
Powel The Idiot: sure honey
Powel The Idiot: i am also thinking abt that
Powel The Idiot: but i hope u wont feel bad when u here my voice
Glamour Diva: why would i?
Powel The Idiot: my voice is not that sweet honey
Powel The Idiot: a big hard my love
Powel The Idiot: a hard accent
Glamour Diva: i don’t mind
Glamour Diva: i have a big texas accent! lol
Powel The Idiot: okay honey
Powel The Idiot: i just hope u wont feel bad when we talk on phone okay
Glamour Diva: i promise i wont feel bad
Powel The Idiot: okay my love
Powel The Idiot: give me ur # i will give u a call tomorrow okay
Glamour Diva: ok
Powel The Idiot: okay
Powel The Idiot: i promise to call u
Glamour Diva: so tell me about your accent. what’s it like? i bet it's beautiful, just like you!
Powel The Idiot: well it is a liltle bit hard and also diff my love
Powel The Idiot: i just hope u wont feel down
Glamour Diva: how different? are you russian or from some other eastern european country?
Powel The Idiot: from UK
Powel The Idiot: London
Glamour Diva: so is it a cockney accent?
Powel The Idiot: well u will see when i call u tomorrow okay
Glamour Diva: LOL why are you keeping me in suspense?
Powel The Idiot: just dont know hw to tell u abt my accent honey
Powel The Idiot: just a liltle bit tick voice okay
Glamour Diva: okay...
Powel The Idiot: my love
Powel The Idiot: i really miss u today
Powel The Idiot: hw is work?
Glamour Diva: it's ok, a little boring but ok. what about you? you still in london?
Powel The Idiot: not my love
Powel The Idiot: i am now in africa
Powel The Idiot: i told u last night that i am leaving for africa
Glamour Diva: i remember. so what time is it there? ghana right?
Powel The Idiot: Nigeria
Glamour Diva: Really? what city?
Powel The Idiot: Lagos
Powel The Idiot: have u ever been in Nigeria
Glamour Diva: no. only been to costa rica
Powel The Idiot: that is cool
Powel The Idiot: will u like to come down to africa with me one day?
Glamour Diva: sure! i've always wanted to go there
Powel The Idiot: we can even have our honey moon in africa
Powel The Idiot: or what did u think abt that
Glamour Diva: LOL i like that but...
Powel The Idiot: but what?
Glamour Diva: can we go to the Seychelles too?
Powel The Idiot: sure my love
Powel The Idiot: any where u want
Powel The Idiot: i promise
Powel The Idiot: ok
Glamour Diva: cool! and Mali?
Powel The Idiot: why mali?
Glamour Diva: because i've always wanted to go to Tombouctou!
Powel The Idiot: okay that is cool my lve
Powel The Idiot: love
Powel The Idiot: hw will u welcome me when we meet my love
Glamour Diva: a long hug and a kiss on the cheek
Powel The Idiot: cool
Powel The Idiot: i will run to u and give u a big hug and kiss away all ur sad memory
Glamour Diva: that sounds nice sweetheart
Powel The Idiot: u will never feel hurt again
Powel The Idiot: i promise
Powel The Idiot: i will love u with all my heart and soul
Glamour Diva: i like the sound of that
Powel The Idiot: i promise u Glamour Diva
Powel The Idiot: that is a promise that i will keep till the end of time
Glamour Diva: i don’t know what to say
Powel The Idiot: why?
Glamour Diva: no one has ever said those things to me before
Powel The Idiot: really?
Glamour Diva: well not to that extent no
Powel The Idiot: i will always tell u hw i feel abt u my love
Glamour Diva: may i ask you a question?
Powel The Idiot: sure
Glamour Diva: what sort of music do you like?
Powel The Idiot: R&B
Powel The Idiot: blues
Powel The Idiot: u?
Glamour Diva: r&b, rap, rock, blues, latin, world
Powel The Idiot: that is cool
Glamour Diva: may i ask you another question?
Powel The Idiot: sure my wife
Glamour Diva: LOL
Powel The Idiot: lol
Glamour Diva: do like plays, museums, the opera, stuff like that?
Powel The Idiot: not much my love
Powel The Idiot: u?
Glamour Diva: lol I love the arts! but if you don’t that okay. that’s why we have friends. so do you like live concerts?
Powel The Idiot: yes my love
Powel The Idiot: and u?
Glamour Diva: yes very much! I've always wanted a partner to go out with to different concerts
Powel The Idiot: together we will be forever my love
Powel The Idiot: i told my son abt u Glamour Diva
Glamour Diva: WHAT?!?!?
Glamour Diva: what did you tell him?
Powel The Idiot: u toold him that i have meet the woman of my life
Powel The Idiot: and he was very very excited and happy for me my love
Powel The Idiot: he really want to meet u
Glamour Diva: oh my goodness...
Glamour Diva: i don’t know if that was wise
Glamour Diva: he's just a little boy. i wouldn’t want to hurt him you know?
Powel The Idiot: we cant hurt him my love
Powel The Idiot: pls understand
Powel The Idiot: okay
Glamour Diva: i know we wouldn’t mean to hurt him but i don’t believe in getting a little one’s hopes up. he loves his daddy and he wants you to be happy. but if things don’t work out...
Powel The Idiot: let us think possitive okay
Powel The Idiot: God will help us my love
Powel The Idiot: believe in God
Glamour Diva: i do believe in God
Powel The Idiot: okay
Powel The Idiot: that is okay my love
Powel The Idiot: i love u and i will always love u
Glamour Diva: but you do know that i don’t love you right?
Powel The Idiot: i know
Glamour Diva: and you're okay with that?
Powel The Idiot: sure my love
Powel The Idiot: i know hw u feel okay
Glamour Diva: good because like i said, i think I might like you but i don’t want to hurt you
Powel The Idiot: know body will be hurt my love
Glamour Diva: wonderful! so are you a good kisser? lol
Powel The Idiot: wow
Powel The Idiot: i will kiss all ur lips away my love
Powel The Idiot: kiss ur whole body
Glamour Diva: lol don’t be a naughty boy Powel!
Powel The Idiot: lol
Glamour Diva: we have plenty of time for that
Powel The Idiot: sure my love
Powel The Idiot: we have forever
Glamour Diva: that’s right
Powel The Idiot: my love i have to go to bed now okay
Powel The Idiot: i will call u okay
Glamour Diva: ok. call me tomorrow sweetheart!
Powel The Idiot: okay
Glamour Diva: talk to you later!
Powel The Idiot: pls take good care of urself my love
Powel The Idiot: miss ya
Glamour Diva: miss u 2!
Yahoo! Messenger: Powel The Idiot has signed out

As Buggs Bunny says, the plot sickens! Can you guess what’s coming next? Oh come on now! I know you can if you try really hard! Give up? Then stay damned tuned… – GD

Cute cartoon found here

Just For The Hell Of It – Part 9

Category: , , , By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia

Enjoy the eye candy Dear Readers…it’s as close as some of us will ever get! Damn you fate! – GD

The Internet Dating Chronicles Of Glamour Diva – Part 3

Category: , , , , , By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia
Oh my dear…Dear Readers. I thought I’d experienced the very worst the Internet dating community had to offer but then “Powel Bruce” (Don't worry, that's not his real name and that's not his real picture. He stole both.) blew into my life. And what a tainted zephyr he turned out to be indeed! I really don’t want to give too much away because the slow burn is so much better than giving it to you quick, hard and raw…the way I know you like it! So just sit back and enjoy the first of NINE installments of…

The Internet Dating Chronicles Of Glamour Diva – Transatlantic/Equatorial Africa Edition

Sent: 6/6/2006 at 8:04:37 PM
Subject: hello…


I saw your pics and I want to know u cos ur pics got me crazy........ I'd really like to get to know you better. I'm a bit embarrassed as I've never been the first to mail u, but now am somehow couldn't help doing that. i have some strange feeling that you're someone special. I hope I'm not mistaken. if you like to answer me, feel free to write to my email { Edited to protect my anonymity, not} since I can't visit the site often enough, or u can as well add me to ur buddy list so we could chat, my yahoo messenger id is {Edited to protect my anonymity, not his}. never left me unattended to. hope to hear from you soon,


June 6, 2006

Powel The Idiot [offline 5:34:26 PM]: i am online now waiting for u
Powel The Idiot [offline 5:34:26 PM]: hello
Powel The Idiot [offline 5:34:26 PM]: hw u doing?
Glamour Diva [6:19:49 PM]: hi!
Powel The Idiot [6:21:01 PM]: Glamour Diva hw u doing?
Glamour Diva [6:21:31 PM]: i'm good! how are u? what country are you in?
Powel The Idiot [6:22:06 PM]: im still in London
Glamour Diva [6:22:38 PM]: ok so how are you? how's your little boy?
Powel The Idiot [6:23:05 PM]: i am cool
Powel The Idiot [6:23:12 PM]: i have realy miss ya
Powel The Idiot [6:23:18 PM]: hw is work going with u?
Powel The Idiot [6:23:18 PM]: hw is life
Glamour Diva [6:24:36 PM]: life is very boring...without you
Powel The Idiot [6:25:19 PM]: wow
Powel The Idiot [6:25:19 PM]: really?
Glamour Diva [6:26:34 PM]: sure! i'd love to spend some time with you
Powel The Idiot [6:27:06 PM]: wow
Powel The Idiot [6:27:07 PM]: that is really nice
Powel The Idiot [6:27:16 PM]: i have also miss u alot
Glamour Diva [6:27:54 PM]: i look forward to meeting you
Powel The Idiot [6:28:35 PM]: and me too honey
Powel The Idiot [6:28:46 PM]: i cant wait to be with u and start my life with u Glamour Diva
Powel The Idiot [6:28:56 PM]: i love u
Glamour Diva [6:29:39 PM]: you don’t love me dear. You’re infatuated!
Powel The Idiot [6:30:25 PM]: i mean what i am saying Glamour Diva
Powel The Idiot [6:30:35 PM]: i am not kidding u okay
Powel The Idiot [6:31:35 PM]: i remember
Powel The Idiot [6:32:03 PM]: u told me that u will send me some pics and u have not send it to me
Glamour Diva [6:33:19 PM]: i emailed you the last time we spoke. you didn’t get the email?
Powel The Idiot [6:33:36 PM]: yes
Powel The Idiot [6:33:45 PM]: honey pls send me the pics now
Powel The Idiot [6:33:46 PM]: ok
Glamour Diva [6:34:20 PM]: ok i will
Powel The Idiot [6:34:32 PM]: thx
Powel The Idiot [6:35:04 PM]: r u sending it now?
Glamour Diva [6:35:11 PM]: yes.
Powel The Idiot [6:35:20 PM]: ok
Powel The Idiot [6:35:21 PM]: thx
Glamour Diva [6:36:49 PM]: hold on
Powel The Idiot [6:38:22 PM]: ok honey
Glamour Diva [6:39:05 PM]: ok I sent them
Powel The Idiot [6:39:39 PM]: okay
Powel The Idiot [6:39:39 PM]: let me check
Glamour Diva [6:39:44 PM]: ok
Powel The Idiot [6:43:00 PM]: pls hold on okay
Glamour Diva [6:43:07 PM]: ok
Powel The Idiot [6:44:48 PM]: wow u look really great honey
Powel The Idiot [6:44:48 PM]: maga
Powel The Idiot [6:45:35 PM]: u look sweet
Glamour Diva [6:46:23 PM]: thanks
Glamour Diva [6:50:45 PM]: hello?
Powel The Idiot [6:51:31 PM]: sorry im back
Powel The Idiot [6:51:37 PM]: the network is not that okay
Powel The Idiot [6:51:50 PM]: Glamour Diva can i ask u a question?
Glamour Diva [6:51:57 PM]: sure!
Powel The Idiot [6:52:22 PM]: what did u feel abt dating a white man?
Powel The Idiot [6:52:37 PM]: i hope the Diff did not matters to u?
Glamour Diva [6:53:24 PM]: i've dated plenty of white men. how do you feel about dating a black woman
Powel The Idiot [6:53:44 PM]: i am very okay with that okay
Powel The Idiot [6:53:54 PM]: the Diff means nothing to me
Glamour Diva [6:54:49 PM]: good!
Powel The Idiot [6:55:22 PM]: that is nice
Glamour Diva [6:55:55 PM]: as you saw in my pictures, i'm a large woman. is that okay with you?
Powel The Idiot [6:56:09 PM]: what did u feel abt we having kidd together?
Powel The Idiot [6:56:29 PM]: u being large did not matters to me
Powel The Idiot [6:56:42 PM]: what matters is the love we share
Glamour Diva [6:57:27 PM]: i wouldn’t mind having one baby but i would have to think about more than that.
Powel The Idiot [6:57:52 PM]: okay
Powel The Idiot [6:58:07 PM]: hw many guys have u meet online?
Glamour Diva [6:59:08 PM]: i've talked to a lot of guys but i've only met two or three. most of the guys on there just want to have sex and I'm not into that
Powel The Idiot [6:59:45 PM]: ok
Powel The Idiot [6:59:49 PM]: that is very cool
Powel The Idiot [6:59:59 PM]: hw many guys r u talking to now
Glamour Diva [7:00:13 PM]: just you now
Powel The Idiot [7:00:35 PM]: i hope i will be the only one forever
Glamour Diva [7:01:08 PM]: we'll see...
Powel The Idiot [7:01:23 PM]: that is what i want
Powel The Idiot [7:01:33 PM]: unles if u dont need me
Glamour Diva [7:02:33 PM]: well first we have to spend a little time together and get to know each other. only then will i know what my true feelings are
Powel The Idiot [7:02:51 PM]: okay
Powel The Idiot [7:03:13 PM]: i am sure something good will surely come out of us honey
Glamour Diva [7:03:25 PM]: i think so too
Powel The Idiot [7:03:37 PM]: i love uuuuuuuuu
Powel The Idiot [7:03:44 PM]: all i need from u is a chance
Powel The Idiot [7:03:58 PM]: and i promise i will never let u down
Glamour Diva [7:05:22 PM]: when you get back to Houston we'll see each other right?
Powel The Idiot [7:05:44 PM]: sure
Powel The Idiot [7:05:51 PM]: i promise u that
Powel The Idiot [7:05:56 PM]: and we will never be apart again
Glamour Diva [7:06:39 PM]: ;-)
Powel The Idiot [7:08:31 PM]: i mean it
Glamour Diva [7:08:50 PM]: what would u like to do first?
Powel The Idiot [7:09:09 PM]: well get to know each other
Powel The Idiot [7:09:10 PM]: u?
Glamour Diva [7:09:50 PM]: LOL i meant where will we go!
Powel The Idiot [7:10:32 PM]: we can go out for a dinner or even stay at home and have a nice time
Powel The Idiot [7:10:40 PM]: or where did u want us to go?
Glamour Diva [7:12:39 PM]: dinner is good. then drinks and conversation at your house?
Powel The Idiot [7:12:51 PM]: that is cool
Glamour Diva [7:12:56 PM]: lol ok
Powel The Idiot [7:13:01 PM]: sure
Powel The Idiot [7:13:11 PM]: what did u do for a living?
Glamour Diva [7:14:16 PM]: DELETED
Powel The Idiot [7:14:30 PM]: for
Powel The Idiot [7:14:35 PM]: ?
Glamour Diva [7:14:53 PM]: DELETED
Powel The Idiot [7:15:06 PM]: that is really nice
Powel The Idiot [7:15:15 PM]: did u like ur job?
Glamour Diva [7:15:55 PM]: its cool, just a job
Powel The Idiot [7:16:23 PM]: i hope they pay u good
Glamour Diva [7:16:48 PM]: lol
Powel The Idiot [7:17:15 PM]: lol
Glamour Diva [7:17:29 PM]: you need money?
Powel The Idiot [7:17:43 PM]: loooooooool
Powel The Idiot [7:17:47 PM]: =))
Glamour Diva [7:17:58 PM]: guess thats a yes?
Powel The Idiot [7:20:01 PM]: why did u ask that kind of question?
Glamour Diva [7:20:44 PM]: lol i was just kidding
Powel The Idiot [7:21:14 PM]: well i am my own company
Powel The Idiot [7:21:44 PM]: i deal with buying and selling of electronics and i have company in uk and also in africa
Glamour Diva [7:22:27 PM]: i know sweetheart, you told me
Powel The Idiot [7:22:42 PM]: better
Powel The Idiot [7:22:56 PM]: i willbe traveling to africa tommrow honey
Powel The Idiot [7:23:22 PM]: i will be leaving london tomorrow morning
Glamour Diva [7:24:30 PM]: you need to leave now?
Powel The Idiot [7:24:42 PM]: nop
Powel The Idiot [7:24:55 PM]: im just telling u my love
Glamour Diva [7:25:31 PM]: ok! so are you bring me back something nice?
Powel The Idiot [7:26:32 PM]: sure my promise u my love
Powel The Idiot [7:26:42 PM]: the lion skin
Glamour Diva [7:27:42 PM]: LION SKIN!
Powel The Idiot [7:28:30 PM]: yes
Powel The Idiot [7:28:30 PM]: lol
Glamour Diva [7:29:09 PM]: no. i don’t want a lion skin!
Powel The Idiot [7:29:43 PM]: lol
Powel The Idiot [7:29:50 PM]: so what did u want me to get u my love?
Glamour Diva [7:30:35 PM]: i don’t know...a nice fertility statue or some of that pretty African cloth?
Powel The Idiot [7:31:13 PM]: okay
Powel The Idiot [7:31:18 PM]: i know what to get u my love
Powel The Idiot [7:32:04 PM]: i don't fear insects or spiders. At great heights, I jump off, smiling. In the face of death I wink. But, when I look into your eyes, I'm in fear of how much I love you
Glamour Diva [7:32:07 PM]: lol thank you
Powel The Idiot [7:32:56 PM]: i chose to love you in silence, for in silence I find no rejection. I chose to love you in your loneliness, for in your loneliness no one owns you, but me
Glamour Diva [7:33:22 PM]: where did you copy that?
Powel The Idiot [7:33:36 PM]: from my heart
Glamour Diva [7:33:55 PM]: really?
Powel The Idiot [7:34:03 PM]: yes
Powel The Idiot [7:34:04 PM]: why?
Powel The Idiot [7:34:12 PM]: not good right
Powel The Idiot [7:34:13 PM]: ?
Glamour Diva [7:34:28 PM]: LOL no it's very pretty
Powel The Idiot [7:34:49 PM]: lol
Powel The Idiot [7:35:34 PM]: i love uuuuuuuuuuuuu
Glamour Diva [7:36:05 PM]: i can’t tell you i love you. i need more time to get to know you
Powel The Idiot [7:36:34 PM]: i know hw u feel honey
Powel The Idiot [7:36:40 PM]: and i understand
Glamour Diva [7:37:53 PM]: good because i think i could really like you
Powel The Idiot [7:38:04 PM]: cool
Powel The Idiot [7:39:39 PM]: so hw did u want me to love u
Powel The Idiot [7:39:40 PM]: ?
Glamour Diva [7:39:53 PM]: gently
Powel The Idiot [7:40:06 PM]: unconditionaly
Glamour Diva [7:40:51 PM]: that too
Powel The Idiot [7:41:21 PM]: hw will u love me?
Glamour Diva [7:41:36 PM]: anyway you want
Powel The Idiot [7:41:58 PM]: i want u tolove me the same way that i love u
Glamour Diva [7:42:41 PM]: i have no problem with that baby
Powel The Idiot [7:42:52 PM]: that nice
Glamour Diva [7:43:48 PM]: i really need honesty in my relationships as well as lots of affection and affirmation
Powel The Idiot [7:44:02 PM]: me too
Powel The Idiot [7:44:07 PM]: i also need that honey
Powel The Idiot [7:44:14 PM]: i need true love
Glamour Diva [7:44:48 PM]: are you willing to work at finding that love?
Powel The Idiot [7:45:37 PM]: not realy
Glamour Diva [7:46:19 PM]: no?
Powel The Idiot [7:46:42 PM]: i will do anything to find true love
Powel The Idiot [7:47:00 PM]: but i dont need to work hard for it anymore
Powel The Idiot [7:47:19 PM]: b'cos i have found u Glamour Diva
Glamour Diva [7:48:06 PM]: LOL
Powel The Idiot [7:50:48 PM]: i am very right abt that my love
Glamour Diva [7:50:51 PM]: i like that baby
Powel The Idiot [7:51:04 PM]: loving u will be my work from now on
Glamour Diva [7:51:47 PM]: well we will see
Powel The Idiot [7:52:12 PM]: sure
Powel The Idiot [7:52:21 PM]: we will surely see good things
Powel The Idiot [7:52:34 PM]: hw did u feel abt my having a child
Glamour Diva [7:53:04 PM]: i don’t mind that
Powel The Idiot [7:53:13 PM]: that is nice
Powel The Idiot [7:53:24 PM]: im sure my son will be very nice to u
Glamour Diva [7:56:22 PM]: lol he's going to be jealous. he won't want to share you
Powel The Idiot [7:56:37 PM]: lol
Powel The Idiot [7:56:53 PM]: that will not be a problem for him my love
Glamour Diva [7:57:38 PM]: and why not? he's a little kid and he's had you all to himself his whole life
Powel The Idiot [7:57:59 PM]: well i will have to deal with that my love
Glamour Diva [7:59:07 PM]: LOL
Powel The Idiot [7:59:35 PM]: that is the fact honey
Powel The Idiot [7:59:43 PM]: he will be very happy to meet u
Glamour Diva [8:00:14 PM]: why? does he love black women to?
Powel The Idiot [8:00:39 PM]: my son is also like me
Powel The Idiot [8:00:50 PM]: think possitive always
Glamour Diva [8:02:20 PM]: LOL does he see his mother very often?
Powel The Idiot [8:04:46 PM]: he has a very bad mother
Powel The Idiot [8:05:08 PM]: she left after i saw her making love with another man and she never come back
Glamour Diva [8:06:01 PM]: so he's never seen her after that?
Powel The Idiot [8:06:17 PM]: yes
Powel The Idiot [8:06:29 PM]: he was also hurt badly
Glamour Diva [8:08:15 PM]: how old was he?
Glamour Diva [8:08:24 PM]: when she left?
Powel The Idiot [8:08:41 PM]: 4 years of age
Powel The Idiot [8:08:52 PM]: a very mad mother
Glamour Diva [8:09:04 PM]: that is soooo sad! poor baby!
Powel The Idiot [8:09:44 PM]: that islife
Glamour Diva [8:14:18 PM]: still there?
Powel The Idiot [8:14:31 PM]: yes honey im here
Powel The Idiot [8:15:14 PM]: just waiting for u to talk
Glamour Diva [8:15:58 PM]: ok sorry!
Powel The Idiot [8:16:18 PM]: cool
Powel The Idiot [8:16:26 PM]: what have u been thinking my love
Glamour Diva [8:16:33 PM]: you
Powel The Idiot [8:16:40 PM]: wow
Powel The Idiot [8:16:44 PM]: r u sure?
Powel The Idiot [8:16:49 PM]: and what r u thinking
Glamour Diva [8:17:39 PM]: i was just wondering if things would work out that’s all
Powel The Idiot [8:18:33 PM]: i am very sure Glamour Diva things will work out fine
Powel The Idiot [8:18:42 PM]: let be possitive okay
Glamour Diva [8:18:54 PM]: okay! do you have any pictures you could send me?
Glamour Diva [8:19:11 PM]: how tall are you?
Powel The Idiot [8:19:30 PM]: 6.1 fit
Powel The Idiot [8:19:33 PM]: and u?
Glamour Diva [8:20:24 PM]: 5 feet 4 inches
Powel The Idiot [8:20:33 PM]: that is nice
Powel The Idiot [8:20:45 PM]: yes i will send u some pics okay
Glamour Diva [8:21:09 PM]: now?
Powel The Idiot [8:21:22 PM]: yes
Glamour Diva [8:22:59 PM]: cool!
Powel The Idiot [8:29:45 PM]: accept the file
Glamour Diva [8:30:42 PM]: i dont think i can do that on the mac version. can you email it?
Powel The Idiot [8:35:34 PM]: my love r u there?
Glamour Diva [8:36:36 PM]: yes!
Powel The Idiot [8:36:58 PM]: accept the file
Glamour Diva [8:37:58 PM]: dont think i can do that on the mac version. can you email it?
Powel The Idiot [8:38:10 PM]: okay i will
Glamour Diva [8:40:35 PM]: thanks baby
Glamour Diva [8:49:50 PM]: i GOT IT!
Powel The Idiot [8:50:27 PM]: ok
Glamour Diva [8:52:30 PM]: thank you baby
Powel The Idiot [8:52:41 PM]: did u like it
Glamour Diva [8:53:09 PM]: yes but i have 2 questions
Powel The Idiot [8:53:19 PM]: ok
Glamour Diva [8:54:23 PM]: the pic in the car, why do you look so sad. and the second one, who was the other person in the pic with you? a girlfriend you don’t want me to see? LOL
Powel The Idiot [8:55:20 PM]: lol
Powel The Idiot [8:55:37 PM]: i was not that looking sad honey
Powel The Idiot [8:55:44 PM]: and also the second one
Powel The Idiot [8:56:05 PM]: the second persona beside me is a man not a woman
Glamour Diva [8:56:43 PM]: LOL oh so he was your boyfriend?
Powel The Idiot [8:57:09 PM]: just a friend
Glamour Diva [8:57:31 PM]: ok.
Glamour Diva [8:57:49 PM]: are you ready for bed yet? what time is your flight?
Powel The Idiot [8:59:01 PM]: yes my love
Powel The Idiot [8:59:12 PM]: i will be going to bed any time from now
Glamour Diva [8:59:29 PM]: ok well have a safe flight tomorrow
Powel The Idiot [8:59:34 PM]: okay
Powel The Idiot [8:59:43 PM]: i love u with all my heart
Powel The Idiot [8:59:56 PM]: i will try to come online and talk to u tomorrow
Glamour Diva [9:00:12 PM]: you are too sweet to me. i want a kiss on the cheek when you get back home okay?
Glamour Diva [9:00:28 PM]: good! i'll speak to you tomorrow
Powel The Idiot [9:01:04 PM]: okay
Powel The Idiot [9:01:06 PM]: miss ya
Powel The Idiot [9:01:16 PM]: pls take good care of urself
Glamour Diva [9:01:37 PM]: i will! good night sweet Powel! bye!
Powel The Idiot [9:01:50 PM]: ok
Powel The Idiot [9:01:57 PM]: never say bye Glamour Diva
Powel The Idiot [9:02:04 PM]: all u have to say is talk to u latter
Glamour Diva [9:02:20 PM]: talk to later Powel

Now I know you’re reading this and you’re thinking, gee Ms. GD, he seems nice and you seem like you’re really into him. Is it really that bad? It couldn’t have turned out THAT bad!?!? All I can say is stay damned tuned… – GD

Sunday Night Videos – 5

Category: , , By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia
It’s Sunday again so that means it must be time for more of my favorite videos featuring fine ass men! Pip, pip! Cheerio! And all that sort of WOOT!

Jamaican sprinter Asafa Powell…doing what he do…

Men in their underwear…if only the shlub sitting on your sofa right now could look so hot…

More fine ass gay…er, I mean gorgeous models, strutting their sexy stuff in really, really, REALLY little underwear.

When does swimwear become underwear? The Brits explain it all in this very funny commercial.

All I can say is…YOWZER!

And again I say…YOOOOWZER!

And because we all need a little comic relief, I give you this next gem of a clip:

Okay so he can dance (sort of) but can he play a trombone? Me thinks not!

Until next week Dear Readers, remember to dance in your underwear like you’re a hot ass champion sprinter by day, model by night, on a TV talent show playing a trombone (badly) and walking around the town in your Speedo swimsuit…uh, like no one is watching… – GD

The Internet Dating Chronicles Of Glamour Diva

Category: , , , , By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia
This one never even got off the ground Dear Readers:

6/16/2006 at 7:57:34 PM
Subject: hi just looking to chat

Hi my name is john. I think my profile pretty much sums me up but feel free to ask any questions that are not answered there. Hopefully you had a good week. Do you have any plans for the weekend?


6/17/2006 at 9:20:08 AM
Subject: RE: hi just looking to chat

Hello there John!

Are you an EMT? Your picture is cute. I'd love to talk to you! If you're free this weekend maybe we can meet and chat in person?

[Personal email address included]

6/17/2006 at 6:38:55 PM
Subject: It's did you know

Yes I am an EMT how did you know. I don't have any plans for Sat night (2night) or sunday[sic]. I worked earlier in the day but I am off. Hopefully I hear from you this weekend would definitely[sic] like to get to know you in person. my email is aslo[sic] my IM screen name well the first part ya know. Or call me 777-9311


Thu, 22 Jun 2006 17:48:26 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Met on

i'm looking for something else other than coffe[sic]. I'm not trying to be rude or vulgar but only honest.


Thu, 22 Jun 2006 18:09:56 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Met on

Okay so exactly WHAT are you looking for?

At the time of this posting he hasn’t responded so I am just shivering with antici…pation! What could it be? What could he like more then chatting and coffee? Maybe he digs tea and mind reading? Could it be silent basket weaving? Meditating on the image of the Buddha? Quietly hiking through the forest and letting woodland creatures run up to him and eat food from his hand? Or maybe he’s under a witch’s spell that keeps him from “talking” until he convinces a comely lass to allow him to insert his rock-hard penis into the soft, yielding, flesh of her vagina? Oh the mind boggles Dear Readers! – GD

Waiter! There’s A Black Person In My Aloo Gol Matol!

Category: , , , , By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia
So I’m doing the Internet dating thing and it has been way more miss than hit. Many women bemoan the fact that they can’t find any good men then when you push then they unfurl their list of Everest high expectations and you can’t help but think, “No damn wonder you’re sitting at home, alone on a Saturday night!”

Well I thought I was different. I don’t have a lot of stringent must-haves such as height above six feet, a bank account to rival that of Bill Gates or a penis so big as to be absolutely useless. No I’ve always thought I was pretty low maintenance. Well as it turns out I’m no different from any other woman. Actually I am, I’m a black woman.

His name is Jimmy (That's him in the gray suit) and he contacted me over one of the dating sites I use. My first thought was that he was probably way too ghetto for me as his screen name is JIGGAWHO and also because he peppered his messages and phone calls to me with slang like “boo”, “yo”, “whatitdo” and the like. He didn’t have a picture on his profile so I asked him if he’d email me one. He did and imagine my surprise when I opened the picture and saw that he was Asian (I never paid attention to the ethnicity portion of his profile). I’d been getting a lot of attention from Asian men lately but it was still odd. Weren’t Asian men averse to dating anyone who wasn’t Asian or white? But I decided to give it a whirl and not be so prejudiced. MISTAKE! I like to flirt and I even like to add a little ribaldry to my flirting but the last few messages he sent me made me want to rethink my stance on not being a bigoted goober!

June 12th
Jimmy The Idiot: im free today u feel like getting freaky in the car?

Me: Uh...NO! I don't get freaky in cars. Sorry sexy...

June 17th
Jimmy The Idiot: can me and my boy come by?

Me: Both of you? For sex? Normally I would say yes but it's raining hard now and besides, I dont know you well enough for a threesome yet! LOL

Jimmy The Idiot: Nothing like that... ill fuck u ... then he will. we can run train on u ... tommorow[sic]?

Me: Really? So what was it about my profile that led you to believe that I'd let you or anyone "run train" on me? Do you think because I'm fat that I'd be desperate for any attention no matter how foul? Or is this some sort of weird Indian or Pakistani thing where you think black women are only good enough to be treated like whores? I'm not a prude but I'm not that easy or depraved either! There are plenty of black women out there who have no self-respect and would love to have you treat them like sluts but unfortunately for you I am not one of them. And yes, if you haven’t already guessed it, now that I know you're serious I am very insulted!

Thanks for playing. Good-bye.

I was so pissed off Dear Readers I could hardly see straight! Is this what we’ve become? Has the spread of Hip Hop culture to the four corners of the earth only served to make the whole world disrespect black women as much as black men do? Is there no one left on this earth that finds the black woman worthy of love and respect? It’s really scary to find yourself on a date with someone and fifteen minutes into the conversation they ask you if you know how to make your booty clap! Sad to say, I expect this sort of nonsense from a black man but when it comes from some one you think should be free from all those preconceived notions it’s a whole different slap in the face.

Which leads me to the point of this tirade: What’s up with the Asians disliking black people anyway? Have they swallowed the lies white people have feed them about us? Or are we ourselves to blame? It’s no secret that there is mistrust on both sides but where does it come from? Nowhere is this mistrust more evident then in London right now. The rumors of a sexual assault on a young black woman lead to race riots which lead to the murder of a young black man and the eventual conviction of his Asian killers. But the community where it happened and the nation are still reeling and wondering how to turn things around.

When I read the story I couldn’t help thinking about how, not too long ago, my city faced similar problems. There was a large influx of Asians (in our case, predominately Vietnamese and Korean) who lived and opened businesses in almost exclusively black or Latino neighborhoods. Tensions ran high as cultures clashed, mostly nonviolently but there were many violent exceptions. The blacks and Latinos thought the Asians were disrespectful and suspected all of them of being criminals while the Asians thought blacks and Latinos didn’t like them simple because they were Asian and wanted them out.

We had plenty of conversations about the stressful climate of our city in my home at the time. I remember my parents being very upset about things but still understanding of both perspectives. My father had served in Korea and came back with a very strong respect for Asian culture. He was a teacher and many of his students were Asian so he had daily contact with them and their parents. My mother also worked in the schools and her attitude was much the same as my father’s – you treat me with the respect I deserve as a human being and I will do the same for you. But would this live and let live attitude translate to dating?

"Basically there was a racial hierarchy. The first choice for marriage is someone in your own community, then after that, white is the next best thing. And after white, any other race in the world but black." - The Last Taboo, BBC Radio 4

When I listened to the BBC’s radio show, The Last Taboo, I couldn’t help but think about my own family. While it was never expressly forbidden, we always knew that our parents preferred we dated and married other blacks. We understood their feelings about the stares and comments from strangers we might recieve, the threats of violence and the less talked about but just as important sexual politics. Still it never crossed my mind that my parents would disown me if I brought home a man that wasn’t black so I can understand the trepidation that an Asian young person must feel when they find themselves in such a situation.

As for me I always make it a point to ask one question before I date a man of another culture:

Have you ever dated a black woman before?

If the answer is no I then ask why he made the exception for me. The answer is usually that he’s always wanted to date a woman of color but couldn’t because of social constraints or lack of availability. The next question is why are WOCs so intriguing? The answer to this question is where we start to see sexual politics rear its ugly head. If a man pulls out his little book of stereotypes and clichés and mentions body types or how “strong” black women are then I know it’s time to leave (I will not be someone’s chocolate fantasy!). On the other hand if he mentions growing up in a racially mixed neighborhood or working/living in an area of town or in a profession that is mixed I stay.

The same questions apply if he says yes but if he has a history of dating outside his race then I’m more apt to believe he’s doing it because it comes natural to him and not because he’s looking for something exotic or to prove a point.

So what’s the answer? Is it possible for all of us to just get along? No. As long as we, minorities…non-whites, continue to measure ourselves by our oppressor’s idea of what we are then nothing will change. As long as we celebrate the worst aspects of our characters and worse still, project those ideas around the world then nothing will ever change.

Last Thursday I was in my local Indian video store to pick up a few movies for the weekend when I struck up a conversation with the owners and their small children (Ya know Ms. GD love the kids!). I asked them to translate one of the titles I’d rented, Dil Pardesi Ho Gayaa. The father faltered for a moment, thinking how to translate the words in a way that would make since to me. It finally came to him and he gave me a loosely translated titled, “My heart is a stranger”. The word “Pardesi” stood out to me and I asked him if it was related to the word “ Desi ”. He was a little shocked but also, I think, pleased that I knew the word. So began a long conversation about upcoming movies, family and Indian culture. After trying and failing to pronounce some words I remarked to the wife that even though I couldn’t pronounce the words correctly I was in fact learning. The husband smiled and said very earnestly that they were also learning. He said the more they were asked to translate the more it forced them to better understand English. We chatted a little more and then I left. Ever since then I keep thinking how nice that was to have a conversation like that without suspicion but also how sad it was because I realized that the one thing we all need to do is the one thing most of us will never do – talk. If more people took the time to have real discussions then maybe the world wouldn’t be in the state it’s in today. And maybe I wouldn’t have to defend my honor every time I went out on a date with someone who doesn’t look like me. – GD

Sunday Night Videos – 4

Category: , , By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia
This is the All Speedo Edition. Ready…set…WOOT!

Some Himbo named Josh Henderson from a movie I’ve never heard of called Leeches!.

Sydney 2006 video from Chris Geary (or what I like to call, “Buldge Beach”)

Try to ignore the cheesy soundtrack from Survivor and just enjoy the cheekiness (and I mean that literally) of Australia’s Iron Man competitors.

Has-been Kevin Peake for the now defunct show Manhunt, Bravo’s answer to America’s Next Top Model. Shhhhhuh…right…

Well this is refreshing! A video featuring a hot guy NOT marketed toward gay men! Or…is…it?

And finally, the reason America will never be like Europe or even Brazil…Too Many Haters Live Here! Please, show some tolerance and let the overweight and misshapen of the world enjoy their holidays in peace! We can always laugh at them behind their backs!

Woot, woot, ka-choo, Mrs. Robinson! – GD

Just For The Hell Of It – Part 8

Category: , , By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia

To quote galaxyMafia: Men. Can’t live with them…can’t throw them off a cliff. So true! But they are still wonderful to look at and drool over no? – GD

Future Hotties Of The World Unite!

Category: , , , By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia
To paraphrase Maurice Chevalier, thank heaven for little boys! Without them we wouldn’t have full-grown men to torture us with their uselessness and general stupidity! Oh I’m sorry. Do I sound bitter? Well I am but that’s another post altogether! This post is to celebrate my favorite up and coming hot ass men to be! Little boys. So young. So cute. So uncorrupted and full of promise. Where does it all go wrong? The world may never know but until some hot shot MIT grad discovers the formula we will continue to do as Jesse instructed and keep hope alive. So what are the criteria?

1. The perspective hottie must be cute.
2. The perspective hottie must have come out the other side of puberty relatively unscathed (Unlike Haley Joel Osment).
3. The perspective hottie must be under eighteen years of age because if he’s eighteen or older then he’s legally an adult so what would be the point right?

Cameron Bright
January 26, 1993

You know him as “Oleg” from Running Scared or “Jimmy/Leech” from X-Men: The Last Stand

Malcolm David Kelley
May 12, 1992

You know him as “Walt” from Lost or “Young Atwone” from Antwone Fisher

Rupert Grint
August 24, 1988

You know him as “Ron Weasley” from the Harry Potter movie series

Jeremy Sumpter
February 5, 1989

You know him as “Pete Young” from Clubhouse or “Peter” from Peter Pan

And just when you thought it couldn't get any cuter...

Everybody saw aaaaawwwwwwww! Now that's what I call CUTE!

"More energy!"

"Shut up Josh!"

L...O...freakin' L! Talk about your future hotties!

Pictures of cutie patootie little boy with pancakes found here. – GD

Sunday Night Videos – 3

Category: , , By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia
Still more of my favorite videos featuring fine ass men. Ready…set…WOOT!

Dance Dance Devolution!

Hot guys dancing…what more can a person ask for? Well I say loose diamonds and blue chip stocks but that’s another post altogether!

London Go-Go Boys shaking what their mothers gave them! I know dear old Mum is so very proud...

DANCE OFF! Which guy shakes his moneymaker better? Ladies and gentlemen, get your dollar bills ready!

Oracio Striptease…Oh my!

Hulk Muscle Dance

And now from the ridiculous to the, well equally ridiculous:

Oh this is cute…a bit frightening at first but cute!

My Dream Job: Ginch Gonch Fashion Shoot

And I saved the best for last! Meet Julio Montenegro, Mr. Venezuela!

Until next week Dear Readers, WOOT, WOOT, WOOOOOOOOOOT! – GD

Sunday Night Videos – 2

Category: , , By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia
More of my favorite videos featuring fine ass men. Yay!

Yes they’re gay but they are also hot so gaze upon them and dream about what could have been…had they not been born gay I mean…

This is kinda funny but kinda hot all at the same time. Doesn’t really matter though because he’s NAKED!

Okay Ladies (and Gentlemen?), let’s all move to Panamá! ¡Vamanos!

“How men screw up romance”? Indeed!

I friggin WISH I could do all this shizzle with the money I'd save by buying a Peugeot!

And one last visit by the Mr. Panamá 2006 contestants. This time in their formal wear!

Until next week Dear Readers…See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya! – GD

Things You Will Only Hear In The Ghetto

Category: By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia
When I was leaving my house this afternoon, headed for The Alley Theatre to catch a production of Agatha Christie’s Witness For The Prosecution , I passed by my local projects and Section 8 housing and wandered into an odd conversation. A man standing on the esplanade in the middle of the street was hollin’ at a woman in an upstairs apartment on the other side of the street. The conversation went as follows:

Man In The Street: Hey, I was gone tell’uh “Thank you” fo them pig’s feet…
Woman In Apartment: Uh-huh?
MITS: …But when I saw they was Hog Maws I decided I didn’t want to lie! [Ginormous belly laugh]
WIA: You a fool boy! [Giggles and guffaws]

The traffic light soon turned green and I had to move on but I kept thinking, if I lived in a more upscale part of town would I ever hear conversations like that? Do people who live in River Oaks, West Palm Beach, Fifth Avenue or even Scranton, Ohio hold conversations like this? In the street? Yelling at the top of their lungs? No I don’t think so. Conversations like the one I heard only take place in depressed, inner city areas filled to the brim with minorities. Or do they? Maybe rich white people holler in the street about their trust funds and their lazy nannies who eat them out of house and home? I guess this Glamour Diva will never know… – GD

"GhetToes" found here

Glamour Diva's Favorite Bollywood Hotties

Category: , By Glamour Diva & galaxyMafia
You might remember that I wrote a few posts back that I was having serious Prison Break/Wentworth Miller withdrawals and that I’d decided to medicate myself with lots and lots of Bollywood movies? Well I’ve been doing just that and having a great time too! It has been a while since I’ve immersed myself so thoroughly in Indian Cinema. Seriously Dear Readers, at one time I’d actually begun to understand Hindi! Not that that’s bad but when I began to understand snippets from personal conversations…well, it was just a bit weird.

Many things have changed in the last few years that are cool but it was a little unnerving at first. I’m still getting used to all the mouth kissing, cursing and frank discussions/depictions of sex. Like I told the clerk at the video store, I’m not used to seeing my Indian brothers and sisters acting bad! But with the large Indian diaspora it makes since to have movies that reflect the changes in that culture. The one thing I’m glad hasn’t changed, of course, is the abundance of hot ass men folk!

Arjun Rampal

Mr. Rampal is the Keanu Reeves of India; pretty but couldn’t act his way out of a wet paper bag! But I suppose we really shouldn’t expect too much from a man who was plucked from clothing and fast food ads and dropped very ceremoniously into films…seventeen of them so far if the Internet Movie Database can be believed. Oh well! He’s pretty and that’s all that matters. Particularly here at SATS!

Akshay Kumar

I’ve just discovered this guy but I like him already! He’s handsome, tall and a competent actor but there’s something more. I suppose it’s that Je-ne-sais-quoi I here people talking so much about. Also, I’ve read that he’s quit skilled in martial arts and likes to perform his own stunts, which explains why the two movies I’ve seen him in both contained lots of fighting and rescuing the damsel. Mr. Kumar? Hollywood calling, line two!

Jimmy Shergill

Oh he’s just so awesome! He’s a wonderful actor but I prefer him in dramas as opposed to comedies. Watching him act all loopy is a real turnoff! I prefer his cool as a frozen cucumber yet quietly burning underneath persona…as long as he doesn’t speak English. The first time I heard him speak English I swear I lost most of my lust for him right on the spot! Hindi and Urdu are beautiful, melodic languages but when he speaks English he sounds like Apu from The Simpsons and that’s only cute for Apu. Dear Mr. Shergill, please hire a voice coach or speak only Hindi. My fantasies depend on it!

Amitabh Bachchan

Mr. Bachchan has been doing the acting thang since the late sixties and he is still going strong. He was even a member of India’s Parliament a while back but that’s another post altogether (click here for the transcript of his appearance on Charlie Rose). He’s been compared to Clint Eastwood and Al Pacino. He’s also been called one of the greatest actors in the world. I just love his over 60-year-old hotness! Oh and that rumbling, earth shaking baritone doesn’t hurt either…

Akshaye Khanna

Where do I start gushing about Mr. Khanna? He’s a tall, slim slimie like I likes it but he’s also an excellent actor. When I see him on the screen I think, here is a guy that I’d actually want to talk to after we had sex. He just seems so sweet and so nice! Even when he plays a bad guy the performance is so layered that you can’t help feeling sorry for that evil character. It’s also nice that he’s accepted his impending baldness. Bald guys can be hot…unless they are Jason Alexander…

And my all time favorite Bollywood Hottie is Aamir Khan

What Mr. Khan lacks in stunning good looks and height (he!) he more than makes up for in sheer talent! He is an actor, writer and producer and is notoriously uncompromising in his choice of film projects. There are actors who have been in the business less time and racked up twice as man film roles but none have his clout. Mr. Khan started as a child actor, quickly gaining the respect and love of Indian moviegoers but it wasn’t until 2001 that Hollywood took notice of him with the Academy Award’s Best Foreign Film entry, Lagaan. The film didn’t win but being nominated helped raise interest in Mr. Khan and Indian Cinema. I love his acting and I can always count on a solid performance from him. That’s why he’s my favorite Bollywood Hottie! – GD